Author: Ted Simon
433 pages
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He already made the journey of a lifetime, so why not do it again? In his previous book, Jupiter’s Travels, Ted Simon tells the story of his four-year ride around the world. It’s an adventure classic that still thrills thousands of readers every year. But that was three decades ago.
At age 69, out of shape, barely able to do one push-up or lift his bike, he says: “Why not do it again?” And, unbelievably, he does. Halfway down Africa, he breaks a leg but goes on anyway. In Brazil, he revisits the scene of his earlier imprisonment. In Chile, he falls in love. In India, he enters the age of Shock and Awe.
While Jupiter’s Travels inspired thousands to enrich their lives, Dreaming of Jupiter will inspire thousands more to defy their years and hold on to their dreams.